Saturday, April 14, 2012


These last few days have been really rough. Of course they have, I'm me. Essentially, I've had those constant feelings that I'm not good enough, etc. I was talking to my friend today, and she was talking about how lonely she was, and how she thought everyone would forget her. I gave her what I thought was one hell of a pep talk, and she said she felt better. So I got thinking, "Why don't I? Why can't I take my own advice?" I tried. I can't. I sound so dumb right now.

I swear, Drew Danburry has a window into my soul. Honestly. If ever you are with me, and I'm not happy, listen to the song "It Starts with Indigo, Orange and Green." Listen to the lyrics, and without fail, that is the reason why. That's always the reason.

I wish I was like my dad, and I always had something profound to say, and everyone loved me.

But we all know that's not happening.


  1. JAMES I LOVE YOU! Always have, always will. Seriously though. I've liked you from the start kid. You're a keeper.

    1. BEKAH. You are ze best. Evahhh. Aaaannnd...likewise.
