Sunday, April 29, 2012


It's just getting harder and harder, guys.

I'm going through so many emotional trials right now; I feel like my whole body is going to explode. Basically though, it's just sadness. Like, unbearable sadness. And for once, I'm going to articulate it as a sort of counterpart to that previous novel of a post, rather than sort of let it all gush out uncontrollably. Here goes.

I'm still going through this whole thing with my dad, and my pressure to keep up with him and all, but that's not really it. Well, for now at least. My problem as of late is more in my social circle, rather than family circle.

So, I have this friend.
This friend probably knows who they are.
If they see this, I just might get some heat for it.
But, anyway.

So, my friend and I have known each other since last year, respectively. In fact, and this is a little weird, but I actually know the exact date and time when we met for the first time; it was August 5th 2011, at 6:42 pm. I know this because it was at a concert, and it was my first concert ever. I still have the flyer. And as my friend said my name, I was checking my watch. So, there ya have it. We didn't really ever get together during the summer. We had a class together when school started though, and we sat right next to each other.

By this point, this person ought to be certain it's them. Just pointing it out.

We got aquatinted, and we became friends really quickly. She even came over to my house every day for that entire week. It was great. And then, out of the blue, nothing. She stopped talking to me for a day. Just a day. Then, we were friends again. You may be saying, "Aw, James, a day ain't so bad. You'll cheer up." And you're most certainly right; I did. But that's aside the point. Point is, this became a pattern. Nothing too harsh; just that she wouldn't come over for a while, or I wouldn't go to her house, etc. We were still friends at school. So, our friendship waned a little every so often, only to wax a little more.
So, last weekend, I did fun stuff with this friend of mine. It was great. But now, this person won't talk to me. Avoids me like the plague. I know it's to be expected; part of the cycle. But the cycle hasn't ever gone this long. Don't know why; no idea what I did. In fact, the only thing this person has said to me in the entire week is "Hi James Talbot." Twice.

I'm dying, here, guys.

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