Monday, April 16, 2012

Nothing really.

Have you ever had one of those nights where you've been happy all day, and then all of a sudden, you get hit head on by a train with a big old frowny face on the front? I sure have. I'm suuuuure you'd all just LOVE to hear about my millions of problems, but I'm afraid I'll have to keep you waiting another blog post or two. Right now, it's midnight on Monday. I have school in the morning. My alarm is set to 6:15; I don't plan on waking up then. If I had it my way, I'd like to wake up at nine every day, to go to school for an hour or two, and then go skateboarding and bike riding and painting with lots of friends. Again, not happening anytime soon. Remember that thing I said, about waiting to hear about my problems? Yeah, I changed my mind. So, if you've been satisfied with the post so far and don't want to become depressed by hearing my awful tales of pathetic woe, stop reading now. NOW, DUDE. I'M GONNA TALK ABOUT MY PROBLEMS IN THIS BLOG POST, GUYS. I'm just doing this because a real good friend of mine once told me to write down my problems, and they'll go away. It's worked so far. The vast majority of my friends don't understand me. In fact, looking at my followers, even fewer than I thought. That's not to say I don't love you all; I do. But most of you haven't even known me for a year yet. If you've ever read John Knowles' A Separate Peace, you must know that I am basically Gene. I jump to massive, unnecessary conclusions...and kill my BFF. But all jokes aside. That's one of my big issues that I'll be working on, as mentioned in that novel of a post the other day. Going back to being misunderstood. Because I think too much, I always have a lot to say. But, because I jump to conclusions so easily, I never really say what I'm thinking. If I ever respond to an iffy question with "Oh, I don't know," or "Let me think about it," I DO know, and I HAVE thought about it. But it's all going on under the surface, which Well, that's basically it. I feel a lot better now. A LOT!!!! All of my friends, even those of you who don't know me, I LOVE YOU. ALL A YA! I hope we can all get to be better friends than we already are. (Unless of course you're a bro, in which case my hatred for you is unparalleled.) --@NotJamesTalbot

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