Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sorry for the monotony.


Cuz you know, that's all I ever say.

Well, basically, this will just be a post about this weekend. Here we go, guys!

Friday was great. One of the best (if not THE best) days of my adolescence.
Saturday was decent.
Sunday sucked.

Essentially on Friday, me and a bunch of friends went to "prom" and it was so fun. The night consisted of getting Italian food that just might've been Spaghetti-O's and Hamburger Helper, then going to watch the real prom-goers at promenade, and getting gelato. And one could never forget the cheerful exclamations of "YOLO!"
and "420!" It was seriously the best night with the best people.

Saturday was pretty cluttered for me. I did some chores n' stuff, then I took some pictures of Michael Arts' band recording at Muse. It was kind of boring, not gonna lie; but at the same time, it was way cool to hear all the parts come together. After that, I played pool at the Danburry barber shop, and then went to film a video for Trevor Christensen. Then, me and my BFF/gay boyfriend James went aimlessly driving/stalking women with loud Mexican music playing. That was good. But then I got depressed for some reason (don't ask me why) and I just wanted to die a little. And before you knew it, I was listening to sad music and trying to fall asleep on my couch.

Sunday was just everything bad that happened on Saturday night times a million. I just got depressed, and started thinking about religion and stuff. I went to the mission farewell of a good friend, and the wheels in my mind wouldn't stop turning during his talk. I guess you could say I'm having doubts; you could also say I'm religiously bipolar. Some days, I'm just so happy that I'm like; "Dude! Life is so great! There's no way this isn't true!" And some days, like today, I was thinking so hard about everything that I just didn't even want to believe. So, I don't know, guys. I don't know how my life is gonna turn out. I don't know if my kids are gonna turn out as messed up as me. I don't know if I'm even gonna have kids. I don't even know if I'll even get married. I don't know if I'll ever even get a girlfriend.

However, I DO know that Monday will be 80 degrees and sunny. That'll be nice.

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