Thursday, May 24, 2012

I feel sorry.

Hey guys.

This is half blog, half formal apology.

Lately, I've been feeling really lonely. More so than the usual. I don't really know how/want to explain. But I'm just overwhelmed by a sense that
1) If I'm around certain people, I get all elitist-ey and feel like I'm too good to be in their presence, or
2) I'll be around certain people and think I'm not even close to being cool in their presence, and by even associating myself with them, I'm suffocating them, like "Who is this loser? Why does he keep texting me? What's his deal?"

If I'm doing this to you, I'm sincerely sorry.

So, that's how I'm feeling. I've got my saddest playlist going, and I'm thinking a lot. So I'll probably hate myself in the morning. Night, y'all.

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