Saturday, June 2, 2012

Dear (your name here),

Hey guys.

This isn't a sad post.

And it's addressed to all the friends I made this past year.

First off, I wanna say that all of my friends are way cool. Love you all. And I'm at the point now where I feel that way towards EVERYONE. Even if at one point, I hated you with every fiber of my being (which was rarely the case in the first place), you can now consider yourself my best friend. There's my little loving preface. Here comes the feelings.

So, I have this problem. I sell myself short sometimes. Maybe rightly, maybe not. I don't know. But my latest assumed shortcoming is this: you guys are all so great, so beautiful, so smart, so kind; I don't feel adequate in your presence. Like, you all have such confidence around each other, and I'm sitting quietly in the corner, not quite sure what to say. So, yeah. Hopefully this gets better. Hopefully, I'll come around to tue idea that in not 100% socially awkward, and that I can actually fit in this crowd. But you're all great, and I'm proud to call you my friend. Yes, even YOU.


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