Monday, July 16, 2012

Discovery over thoughts

I spent today skateboarding and doing stupid stuff and defacing property with some old friends today. And it very well may have been the best day of my life (well, not quite). It was my opprotunity to be my younger self; to be a child. It made me happier than I've been in months. For once, I didn't care how I looked to those taking the time to look at me; I knew I looked stupid. I looked juvenile. I looked like I was having a hell of a time. And as I sat down at the end of the day, I thought about why I'm always sad, the specific reasons. Often times, as some of you know, I'm concerned with how I'm viewed by my friends, if I'm dressed cool, if I listen to cool music, if I'm smart enough, and stuff like that. I've been trying too hard to change myself to impress these new friends I made, while I've been neglecting those who have accepted me the way I was since as long as I can remember. These friends who will love me, if I'm wearing a t-shirt and basketball shorts or a Ben Sherman button up shirt and the trendiest skinny jeans, whether I'm listening to Weird Al or Bon Iver, talking about skateboarders and cars or philosophy and art. They've always been there for me, and I've overlooked them for those I thought were "cool" and "beautiful." These friends may not be the coolest, or the most beautiful, or even the most socially acceptable, but I don't care anymore. They're MY FRIENDS. No matter what anyone says. So James and Paul and the rest of my nutty old crew, YOU ARE ZE BEST. And I hope that when we're all old and bald, we are the meanest old bald men. Cause that'll be the best thing. We'll keep those pesky skateboarders in line. And...3-2-1.....HUUUUUUUUUUGH!!

PS- To all of the friends I've been trying to impress (and you ought to know if it's you), I'm going to be a whole lot different from now on. I may be immature sometimes. Full disclosure. It's gonna be fun, though.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

I have no point.
I have no purpose.
I can't go on. Not like this.